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How to Create a User in the Office 365 Admin Portal

The admin user in Offer 365 can add, delete and even manage users using the Microsoft 365 admin center. To start creating users with the Office 365 Admin Portal it’s important that each employee has their own Office 365 license. After all the licenses have been purchased the admin users can start adding users one at a time. After completing all the steps below the user will have an Office 365 license, sign in credentials and an Office 365 mailbox.

Creating users in Office 365 is a straight-forward and easy process.  

1.       Within the Microsoft 365 admin center  

          a.       Look for the "Active users" tile     

          b.       Click on "+ Add a user"             
                  i.            The following side window will open asking for information about the new user is created                     

2.       Fill in the appropriate information and be sure to enter the product licenses before clicking the "Add" button.  

             ii. A user can be created without a license by clicking the last choice under Product licenses.  

As you can see adding a user into Office 365 is a very quick and easy procedure. Additional features for the admin user in Office 365 include but are not limited to: creating groups, managing resources and reviewing reports. Want to learn more about Office 365 and its benefits? Click the link below for more information.   

Click Here to Learn More About Office 365

  6545 Hits


This webinar is a continuation of the Dynamics 365 Business Central Manufacturing series. In Part 6, we will discuss how to process subcontract work in Dynamics 365 Business Central from setup until the work is finished. The webinar will also focus on the following:

• Overview of the subcontracting process in Business Central
• How to assign a subcontractor work center to a routing operation 
• How to use the subcontracting worksheet to issue purchase orders to subcontractors 
• How to review subcontracting ledger entries

Date: Wednesday July 31, 2019
Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Click Here to Sign Up for the Webinar Today!

  4352 Hits

Phishing Emails are Getting Harder to Detect; Here are Two Tips for Spotting Them.


Phishing emails are a form of fraud. These emails try to get personal information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers. This is done by impersonating a reputable brand or person within an organization. If an employee opens a link that they don't recognize, it can be very harmful to your company. Start protecting your company by adding Microsoft 365 to your business and gaining an advanced level of security and threat protection. It's also recommended to educate employees on how to spot phishing emails to ensure that your business stays safe. Here are two tips on how to spot a phishing email.   

Check the Sender's Email Address 

There are so many emails that get sent to your inbox on a daily basis. Hackers can create a fake email address and select the display name that it will come from. Any from address that is not compliant with the RFC 5322 will be flagged and handled according to the phishing policy setup in Microsoft 365. When a suspicious email is received here are some things to watch out for:

1) Do you recognize the senders' email address, or it is a random string of letters? 
2) You will see that the sender is not someone you work with. 
3) There will be links that you are told to click on. The links will be to websites with malicious content, do not click them. 

Check for Spelling Mistakes in the Body of the Email and/or in the Send Address

Hackers tend to live in different parts of the world and may not have the strongest writing skills. They rely on online translators to help them write messages, which is great for translating but not necessarily for making text grammatically correct. It's common for a phishing email to have spelling mistakes and be grammatically incorrect, which could be overlooked. If an employee receives a suspicious email, they should ask these two questions to help spot if it's a phishing email or not.

1) Does the message contain grammatical errors an English speaker shouldn't have?
2) Is the email consistent with previous emails I've received from this person?

It's essential for a small business to have security in place to detect these emails before they can cause any harm. Microsoft 365 has an ATP anti-phishing protection to protect your business from any malicious phishing attacks. Microsoft 365 offers a lot of security and advanced threat protection that small businesses should have to run a safe and successful business.

Click Here to Learn More About Microsoft 365

  3695 Hits

Business Central Manufacturing Series Part 5: Capacity Planning

This webinar is a continuation of the Business Central Manufacturing series. In Part 5, we will examine the capacity setup that is required to run production planning with constrained resources. This webinar will focus on the following:

●How to set up capacity
●How to set up work centers and machine centers
●How to set up shop calendars and capacity calendars
●How to use registered absences
●How to use capacity journals

Date: Wednesday June 26, 2019
Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM EST

Click Here to Sign Up for the Webinar Today!

  4383 Hits

How to integrate your business’ productivity tools using Microsoft Dynamics 365

For a business to be successful, it has to be able to analyze data immediately in real time, and handle the market changes while ensuring that different departments are in communication with each other.

Microsoft has developed a convenient and affordable platform that connects your business processes through Dynamic 365 and office productivity tools.

What is Dynamics 365?

Dynamics 365 is a product line of enterprise resources planning and customer relationship management applications.

Dynamic 365 is a Microsoft-based technology solution that is bringing together all aspects of your business to improve existing workflow, recognize and pursue potential and viable business opportunities and manage the current market to stay ahead of the competition.

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  5474 Hits

Don’t Get Caught in These Five Major Implementation Problems for Business Central!


Here at WebSan Solutions, we’ve had a lot of hands-on experience when it comes to implementing Microsoft Dynamics Software. From our experience, we’ve gathered five major problems a company would want to avoid in order to succeed in implementing Business Central.

1. Don’t have the IT department and leadership executives make all the buying decisions. Include other employees that will be actively using Business Central from the finance, operations, manufacturing and warehouse departments. They can provide constructive feedback to make Business Central work best with your current business processes. 

2. Give yourself time in the implementation process to go from the decision-making phase to the launch phase. If this process gets rushed, there's a high chance that the project won't be successful. Try implementing Business Central in smaller stages. Rushing the process would only create a lot of unnecessary problems and make employees feel overwhelmed.

3. Implementations, especially the more complex ones, can take up to half a year to be completed. Best practices would indicate that you need to come up with a plan. Putting a plan into effect will set the stage for where the business is headed, reduce any employee confusion and avoid running into problems.

4. If you don't invest in employee training, there's a risk of disrupting the implementation process. The process of upgrading to Business Central can be a frustrating time for employees. Keeping open communication about the implementation status and providing a substantial amount of training creates more involved employees. Make your employees feel more involved with this process and become more well-rounded when it comes to using Business Central.

5. Many companies neglect the importance of testing the newly installed software before the go-live date. Your employees need to test out Business Central before the go-live so they can bring attention to any technical problems and if everything is in working order. By missing this part of the implementation process, the system might not be ready for go-live and could result in an unsuccessful launch.

When it comes to implementing Business Central, there needs to be a plan put into place. If you avoid the five major problems listed above, your business will strive towards a successful implementation.

  5162 Hits

Microsoft 365 Update for April 2019

Microsoft’s newest update covers everything from compliance requirements, message encryption to Azure password protection.

Below is a list of Microsoft 365’s new updates:

Editor in PowerPoint

The editor in PowerPoint now has multi-language support. This update can support English, French, Spanish and German. The system will recognize which language is being used and suggests fixes and appropriate grammar and spelling rules in the correct language.

Brand New Icons in Office 365

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  4251 Hits

Top 5 Reasons why Production Managers LOVE Business Central

In order to use the manufacturing module, you need to a Business Central premium license. The manufacturing module will help shorten the time it takes to create BOMs, routings, work centers, and machine centers. In this new era of digital manufacturing, it forces businesses to work quicker and smarter to beat out the competition. By utilizing this module in Business Central your company gains the competitive advantage of creating more goods in a more efficient manner.

1. Managing Inventory
When using the manufacturing module in Business Central, your company will be able to better manage inventory. Within seconds, a list can be displayed with all the different items that are in stock. It will show whether the item is currently in stock, how many are on hand and how many are on order.

2. Integrate Your Business Processes
One of the biggest benefits of using the manufacturing module is having all the data in one place. Production managers can make updates instantly to keep the system up-to-date with all its inventory. Users working in the front and in the back office will have access to the same information creating a more harmonized work dynamic.

3. Unify Production Data
Another one of the biggest benefits of using the manufacturing module in Business Central is analytics. This goes beyond just knowing what is in stock and what needs to order but analyzing trends within your business. Such trends can be spotted in the supply chain, production process, inventory management, sales, profit margins, and even customer behavior.

4. Improved Product Quality
The customer’s expectations for product quality is higher than it has ever been before. Using the manufacturing module will make it easier for production managers to meet these growing standards. Having a system in place that provides traceability and tracking enables a company to monitor the quality status of all its centers and products. This will provide real-time reports on machines, components, stations, shifts, and even operators that were involved in the production. Production Managers can then ensure only the best quality products are being sent out to customers.

5. Decreased Production Time
Innovative businesses who use the manufacturing module in Business Central can optimize assembly time. The module will make a more efficient process by decreasing the overall creation time and cost of each product. Tools are available to take a customer’s order on-the-spot and list any alterations that need to be made. Once the production manager receives this order it can be finalized and then sent into production. There is no need for days or weeks of back and forth emails which can delay the cycle time of an item. By lessening the time-to-market process, companies can save time and money and allocate these resources elsewhere.

Being able to manage inventory, collect data, improve product quality, and decrease production time creates a stronger competitive advantage. Want to learn more about the manufacturing module for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? Click Here to register for our Business Central manufacturing courses at WebSan University for free and learn about all the different modules available to create a successful production.

  5143 Hits

Business Central Manufacturing Series Part 4: Make to Order vs. Make to Stock

This webinar is a continuation of the Dynamics 365 Business Central Manufacturing Series. In Part 4, we will define the terms Make to Order and Make to Stock and describe the scenarios where it's best to use each function. Topics that will be discussed in this webinar are:

•Define Make to Order and Make to Stock
•Recording Policies in Dynamics
•Present scenarios when it's best to use Make to Order and Make to Stock functions
•Review settings in Dynamics to drive planning for each scenario

Date: Wednesday June 5, 2019
Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM EST 

Click Here to Sign Up for the Webinar Today!

  5072 Hits

Support for SQL Server 2008 Is Ending… What should I do?

Over the last few years, Microsoft has been making significant investments in the cloud. Unfortunately, that means that Windows Server 2008 and SQL Service 2008 will reach the end of support. But don’t worry, Microsoft has created a pathway for companies ready to make the switch to the cloud.

Why should I make the switch to the cloud?

Moving to the cloud is no longer an intimidating transition. Companies of all sizes have made the switch to the cloud, and we don’t see that trend slowing down any time soon.

Here are a few trends that are noteworthy:

  •          In 2016, 16.1 ZB of data was generated. In 2025, 163 ZBs of data will be generated.
  •           More than 80% of organizations now adopt cloud-first strategies as part of an overall digital transformation
  •           Investment in AI, top of mind for many companies, increase by an astounding 300% in 2017


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  4020 Hits

Microsoft Azure Sentinel Overview - Intelligent Security Analytics

Securing your company’s data is essential. Businesses are constantly avoiding cyber threats, security alerts, and maintaining infrastructure. With so many things going on, your IT team can sometimes miss vital security threats.

To combat this issue, Microsoft has introduced Microsoft Azure Sentinel. This SIEM tool is a cloud-native service that provides intelligent security analytics at cloud scale for your company.

Collect data across your enterprise easily

Azure Sentinel allows you to aggregate security data with built-in connectors, integration of Microsoft signals and industry log formats such as comment event format and syslog.

You’re able to import your Office 365 data at no cost to you and combined it with other security data.

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  4837 Hits

What's Next for Dynamics GP?

Dynamics GP continues to thrive, both for on-premise and cloud customers. Microsoft Dynamics GP is a mature solution with over 45,000 customers around the world, so it isn’t going away anytime soon. However, Dynamics GP isn’t immune from Microsoft’s consistent push towards the cloud.

So why move GP to the cloud?

Here are some reasons why GP customers move to the cloud:

  •           They need to invest in new hardware to support new versions of GP
  •           They are concerned about backups, recovery, security and 24/7 remote access
  •           They are not current with Microsoft on your maintenance and want to add users/capabilities to the system
  •           They are looking for better access to information/reporting (GP2018 required for Power BI)

So what can we expect in future releases of Dynamics GP?

First, Dynamics GP releases and development will continue from Microsoft. The current roadmap is projecting two additional version releases. This clearly indicates a commitment by Microsoft considering these are typically released every two years. Customers should expect various user community requested enhancements and fixes.

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  5459 Hits

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Manufacturing Part III: Forecasting and Planning Webinar!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Manufacturing Part III: Forecasting and Planning Webinar!

This new Manufacturing Webinar Series will provide you with an in-depth view of the extensive functionality contained within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Manufacturing Module. Besides learning the functionality, you will also learn tips and techniques that will help make your implementation successful.

Topics of focus include:
• Features of the production forecast functionality
• Integration between production forecasting and planning
• Forecasting by location, order tracking and forecasting setup

Date: Wednesday April 24, 2019
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM EST

Click Here to Sign Up for the Webinar Today!

  4537 Hits

Why you shouldn't load years of historical subledger transactions in your new accounting system

Historical Subledger Transactions

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  4075 Hits

Join us for our upcoming webinar - Dynamics 365 Business Central Manufacturing Series Part II: Manufacturing Orders.

Dynamics 365 Business Central Manufacturing Series Part II: Manufacturing Orders.

This new Manufacturing Webinar Series will provide you with an in-depth view of the extensive functionality contained within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Manufacturing Module. Besides learning the functionality, you will also learn tips and techniques that will help make your implementation successful.
Topics of focus include:

•Routings and BOMs
•Production Orders and Statuses
•Produce Finished Products
•Reporting for Variance Analysis 
•Consume Components and Charge Labour to Production (Data Collection) 

Date: Wednesday March 27, 2019
Time: 2:00PM EST – 3:00PM EST 

Click Here to Sign Up for the Webinar Today!

  4231 Hits

Configure the D365 Mobile App to make the most of your data on the run!

Dynamics 365 Mobile apps are handy tools which allow D365 users to access and update their Dynamics 365 environment from anywhere and at any time. Beyond that, customizing what is available on the mobile app is key to ensure that the experience is efficient for both the user and the organization.

A user’s security role must include the necessary permissions in order for them to successfully use the mobile app. If you have used (or copied) an out of the box role chances are high that most of these are already set, but it never hurts to check. And if you have created a custom security role, it is particularly important to confirm that the following privileges and access combinations have been configured.

1. The Dynamics 365 for mobile privilege is the first one to confirm. This privilege is in the Business Management tab of a security role within the Privacy Related Privileges section. Verify that Dynamics 365 for mobile is set to Organization.

2. Validate that the following entities have a minimum of Read access at the Organization level, by navigating to the Customization tab of a security role.

  • Custom Control
  • Custom Control Default Config
  • Custom Control Resource
  • System Application Metadata
  • System Form
  • User Application Metadata
  • View

3. Next go to the Business Management Tab. Verify that User Settings is set at the Organization level for Read permission, and the remainder of the privileges have a minimum of User access.

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  5388 Hits

Bring your data to life with D365 Reporting

Dynamics 365 is a great tool for storing your business data, but if that is all you are using D365 for, then do we have news for you! One of the biggest values of D365 is the ability to create reports gaining valuable insight from your data. These reports can be setup in a variety of ways depending on your environment and organizational needs.

Do any of the above diagrams look familiar to you? If your response is “WHAT ARE THOSE!?” then you, my friend, are missing out! All the above are reports based on D365 data. These D365 reports can be run directly from D365 which gives users ease of access to analysis of business data. There are several types of reporting options available for D365, some are out of the box, while others require a bit more work to setup. With that in mind, many organizations opt to export their data to Excel and then use Excel to create reports, when they could be using these much richer options instead.

D365 out of the box comes with report building functionality, in the form of Charts and Views. Users can setup Dashboards incorporating these components, which can help them take their first step into the world of reporting. The CRM Report Wizard allows users to build reports using filters and conditions, like Views, with a touch more functionality and flexibility over the latter options.

While these out of box options are great, they do have their limitations which is why we also provide external reporting options. SQL and XML Reports are great for generating more complex reports and documents. However, if you are looking for an option that is more robust, and intensely eye-catching, then Power BI is the way to go. Power BI is one the most powerful BI and reporting tools on the market and integrates seamlessly with D365. Power BI allows for powerful drill down capability and smart slicers to filter your data however you like.

Reports are a great way for organizations to better understand performance, and with the various report options available, you are not limited to a specific visualization type. Data can be displayed through bar graphs, pie charts, map representations, grids…just to name a few! Maximizing the reporting options is great for upper management, who want a quick, high-level representation of how the business is doing. But wait there’s more! Automated reports can be generated with a click of a button and often require no additional maintenance once they are setup, reducing time and effort and improving efficiencies.

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  4933 Hits

Introduction to Power BI: What is Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI can help company owners take a closer look into their business using stunning dashboards and visuals. They can also be optimized to locate and display only the most critical data. This data can then be used by company owners to review and streamline their business processes wherever it may be needed.

There are a large variety of data sources that connect to Power BI, and the list is continuously being updated. This data can then be altered and placed as a visual, measured or calculated column and then is added to a dashboard. It’s possible to share this information with colleagues at work by granting them access right from within Power BI.

These are six main components that make Power BI into such a strong and powerful tool.

Power Query: Importing and formatting the Data
The Power Query allows you to import data from sources such as SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, and the list goes on. It can also extract data from multiple file formats such as CSV, Text, and Excel. The imported data can be formatted by adding columns, charts or any other visuals onto the dashboard.

Power Pivot: Relationship Creating Tool
Relationships can be created using the Power Pivot function inside Power BI. Power Pivot is a powerful tool used to review data and create visual data models. To link tables together, Power Pivot can analyze the databases and see if the tables have any matching data inside. This function also allows the user to create calculations using the data, such as a calculated column or a measurement.

Power View: Data Visualization Tool
Power View is used to transform the data into interactive charts, graphs, maps, and other visuals. These visuals will only display the most important data since the data can be filtered using Filter Panes, slicers, and cross-filters.

Power Map: 3D Geospatial tool
The Power Map feature is used to create charts for Geospatial data into a 3D visual. Using the Geospatial users can display a metric visually on a map using visuals or even a heatmap. The maps are connected to Bing and are constantly refreshing to display real-time data.

Power Q&A: Answering and Question search engine
Users can ask the Q&A any questions regarding the data and get the quickest answers. Make sure to use natural language that the system would understand such as “Number of Products by Location.” Click Here for a list of words and terminology that Power BI Q&A recognizes.

Microsoft Power BI has six main components that make it such a powerful tool. It has become one of the most popular programs amongst small business owners to analyze their data. Watch this “Power BI 101 Webinar” video that goes beyond just the fundamentals of Power BI. This video will demonstrate how to create a dashboard using Power BI.

Power BI 101 WebinarClick Here

  22146 Hits

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Manufacturing Series Part I Manufacturing Concepts


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Manufacturing Series Part I Manufacturing Concepts

In this webinar we'll be providing an introduction to the Manufacturing Module in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The manufacturing process is done in multiple steps and requires some initial set up. This webinar will provide all the groundwork needed in order to start converting materials into produced end items. Some of the items covered in this webinar are;

•Items and Master Data
•Production Orders

Date: February 26, 2019
Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM EST


  5733 Hits

Build better relationships with Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement


Build better relationships with Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement

Our Build better relationships with Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement webinar will give you the foundation needed in order to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement. See how easy it is to build relationships with CRM data located in an easy to use platform. This data can then be displayed using the Embedded Insights Navigator and then used to improve the current sales process. Attend our webinar and learn about this and other functionality for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement such as:

•Customer Service Hub
•LinkedIn Sales Navigator
•Outlook Integration

Date: February 27, 2019
Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM EST


  4688 Hits