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WebSan Solutions Inc. recognized as the winner of the 2021 Microsoft IMPACT award for Regional Cloud Solution Provider – Business Applications

Every year, Microsoft Canada recognizes Microsoft partners who demonstrate excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology. Each of these partners plays an integral role in unlocking new opportunities for Canadian companies, and Microsoft is committed to helping their partner ecosystem build profitable businesses and successfully take their solutions to market.

"We are inspired and powered by our partners, with over 95% of Microsoft's commercial revenue coming through our partners. These annual awards are our opportunity to recognize all Microsoft partners that are making that possible by bringing cutting-edge solutions to complex business challenges and are helping customers overcome disruption and lead transformation in their industries across Canada," said Suzanne Gagliese, VP One Commerical Partner at Microsoft Canada.

This award recognizes a Regional Services Partner who is a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Direct Reseller or CSP Indirect Reseller focused on Small, Medium, and Corporate customer segments in a specific region of Canada (i.e., East, Central, West) driving impactful CSP growth.

"We are honoured to be recognized by Microsoft. We are proud to deliver a positive and unforgettable service experience to our clients. We understand the value of exceptional service is intended to set and consistently raise the standard of what is attainable. We couldn't have won this award without the help of our amazing team." Stated Andrew King, Managing Director at WebSan Solutions Inc.

Microsoft Canada presented these awards in 27 categories on July 15, 2021 as part of Microsoft's second virtual Inspire conference. Winners were selected based on the outstanding work the companies provided to their customers and community.



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