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WebSan Solutions Inc. places No. 291 on The Globe and Mail’s second-annual ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies


WebSan Solutions Inc. is pleased to announce it placed No. 291 on the 2020 Report on Business ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies.

Canada’s Top Growing Companies ranks Canadian companies on three-year revenue growth. WebSan Solutions Inc. earned its spot with three-year growth of 121%.

“To be among such great company and to be ranked #291 is such a great honour. It validates the hard work and tireless efforts of our team at WebSan.” said Andrew King, Managing Director at WebSan Solutions Inc.

Launched in 2019, the Canada’s Top Growing Companies editorial ranking aims to celebrate entrepreneurial achievement in Canada by identifying and amplifying the success of growth-minded, independent businesses in Canada. It is a voluntary program; companies had to complete an in-depth application process in order to qualify. In total, 400 companies earned a spot on this year’s ranking.

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A Message From Our President Regarding COVID-19

Message from our President,

As the impact of COVID-19 increases across the globe, I wanted to explain the steps we’re taking to ensure continuity of customer service during the coming weeks.We aim to maintain the level of service that our customers expect from WebSan, as well as ensure that we keep our people safe. Additionally, we want to make sure our offices aren't helping to spread the virus.We’ve taken several steps to minimize the disruption over the coming period including restricting business travel, encouraging best hygiene practices and ensuring that people across all areas of our business are set up to work from outside the office.

Fortunately, we are a global business that is experienced in working with our customers remotely, over the phone or email, rather than in person, and as a result, we expect little disruption to your experience with us. We’ve built a business over the last 20 years that largely interacts with customers virtually – whether to implement our products, get support or get any assistance you might need from WebSan.

Like many organizations, we have had to change some of our plans. We won’t be running some of the face-to-face events that we had planned for the coming months, nor entertain onsite meetings, instead were using virtual events so our customers can still get access to resources and hear from our teams. This is a worrying time for everyone, but we hope with these measures in place that WebSan can be a company you can rely on during this pandemic.

Thank you for using WebSan.

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Managing transactions in TSQL

TSQL doesn't handle multiple transactions very well.  In fact it doesn't handle it at all.  So what do you do when you have nested stored procedures, all which require transaction handling?

TSQL has a built in function that will return the number of BEGIN TRANSACTION statements that have been called on the current connection.


Using this you can choose whether to begin a transaction or not based on the value it returns.  If it returns a number greater than 0 then you are currently in a transaction.

However if it returns a 0 then there were no other transactions and you are free to start one.  The best way to do this is to set a variable that indicates if a transaction is needed, since when you start your new transaction and you try to check again when you need to do a rollback or commit, @@TRANCOUNT will not return 0 since you recently started a transaction.

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WebSan is in the July Edition of Snap North York

On June 2nd 2013, WebSan Solutions took part in Becel’s 26th annual Ride for Heart. More than 13,000 cyclists rode their bikes across the Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway. The event raised a record of $5.5 million, which is $500,000 more than it did in 2012.

We are glad that we could make a positive impact in eradicating heart disease and stroke! It has been a proud moment for all the employees here at the office.

To view our photo and the July edition of Snap North York, click here:[]=520947

By: Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc.

  8076 Hits

5 Common ERP Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Implementing a new ERP Software is a time for new learning experiences and challenges. There are some common mistakes that you want to avoid when implementing ERP software, remember this list so you can become a hero and not a victim of poor planning.

Mistake 1: Not selecting the right vendor

Browsing through a vendor’s website can’t determine if they are right for you. Call the company and speak with someone, this gives you the chance to ask questions about the company and their services. Don’t forget to ask for references so you can hear more than one opinion of the vendor.

Mistake 2: Not taking advantage of all the features that you are paying for!

For any kind of service you pay for, be mindful of what’s included. If you are unaware of a feature that you have but never use, just ask!

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