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WebSan Solutions wins the 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award for Service Excellence

WebSan ObaaYesterday Ontario celebrated the best of the best at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, where WebSan Solutions was awarded the 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award for Service Excellence.

 We have been honoured with the Service Excellence award, sponsored by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA), for demonstrating that dedication to customer service can lead to demonstrable business success. WebSan offers clients lifetime support as well as extensive training on our software through WebSan University, our Learning Management System.

"We are honored to be recognized for our dedication to customer service. During every project we focus on helping clients outperform their industry peers and surpass their goals.
After all, we believe service excellence is a habit, not a skill and our commitment to it has helped us differentiate ourselves as technology leaders," commentWebSan Team Obaaed Andrew King, Managing Director of WebSan Solutions Inc.

The Ontario Business Achievement Awards, hosted by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, is the most recognized industry gala in the province, with the single focus on celebrating business success. For over 30 years, businesses have been awarded for their achievements in areas including sustainability, innovation, service excellence and exporting.

View a full list of the 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award winners here.

Doriana Kote, Web Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc., a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence

WebSan awarded for service excellence by Ontario C...
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