FRx Calculations

For more advanced FRx users, I thought I would cover some calculation formulas that are available for use in FRx.  Much of FRx is fairly self explainable & easily learned with a little exploration.  One topic I had a little trouble with when first learning the system was Calculation Formulas on Row Formats. 

Simple adding & subtracting are fairly self-explanatory.  Simple take the columns to add & place a plus sign between them.  For example, B + C. 

However, did you know FRx can perform complex calculations such as adding & multiplying all at once.  The formula (A+((B+C/2)+(C*.8)/2))+(F TO H) is a valid entry.

IF/THEN/ELSE Statements are another handy tool.  These allow one to build logic into the column.  For example, the formula "IF B>1000 THEN B ELSE C*2" translates to:

If the amount in column B is greater than 1000, place the value from column B in the CALC column. If the value is not greater than 1000, multiply the value in column C by 2 & place the result in the CALC column.

Try this tip the next time you are trying to insert logic into your reporting.  For additional help setting up, formating or linking budgets to your FRx reports contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for all your FRx needs.


Calc formula

Printing Reconciliation Report
Exporting FRx Statements

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