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Electronic Bank Reconciliation

The air is definitely a little colder these days, making it the perfect time to fly south for a little R&R.  In an effort to reduce workload, allowing for a little extra R&R, a number of our clients have chosen to implement Electronic Reconciliation.  Through this module, one can download their bank statement & process into Dynamics GP, eliminating much of the manual work associated with the bank reconciliation process.  Setup is a simple process & is completed in one simple screen.  Downloading files is a standard process through most banks.  By implementing this simple module, companies can save a considerable time each month in the administrative process.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc.

  12226 Hits

Vacation Tracking in Dynamics GP

It’s that time of the year when many employee are taking time off to spend time with family.  Whatever holiday you celebrate, this is definitely the time of the year for family.  With employees out of the office, companies must track the amount of time taken by each employee.

Microsoft Dynamics GP has a number of vacation tracking options:

  1. The Human Resources module has a Vacation Calendar option.  This presents a calendar view, with a listing of employees that have taken time off for each day.
  2. The Canadian Payroll module makes Vacation Accruals every pay period.  Each employee has a vacation rate attached to them. With each pay cycle, automated accruals are made to each employee record to track the amount of vacation earned.  When vacation is taken, it comes out of this same pool of time earned.  Further, all the appropriate entries are made to the General Ledger with each transaction.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Project Manager at WebSan Solutions Inc with numerous Human Resources & Canadian Payroll implementations completed.

  15687 Hits

Microsoft Dynamics Support Debugging Tool

Many of our Microosoft Dynamics GP clients use our support desk for assistance with issues that arise from time to time.  We offer various levels of support,from ad hoc to 24/7 availability.  The need for support varies with every client.  Some require lots, some very little.

For those that like to perform their own support, there is a great utility available free of charge that can be downloaded (through a partner) from Microsoft.  This tool, called the Support Debugging Tool, improves error handling & has many great features.  These include:

  • Colouring Windows by Company
  • Easily Capture Screenshots of Errors & Email ALL Related Support Information to a Help Desk
  • Transaction Logging
  • Executing SQL within Dynamics GP

To obtain this tool, get the file from your Microsoft Partner

Unzip & copy to your Dynamics GP install folder

Start Microsoft Dynamics GP as an Administrator & agree to Add New Code message

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  9739 Hits

Evaluation Tools

In 1983, Quaker Oats purchased Gatorade, transforming it from a multi-million dollar business into a multi-billion dollar business.  Fast forward a decade & Quaker decided that another drink manufacturer was primed for the same growth.  This time, Quaker eyed a takeover of Snapple, a popular fruit beverage.  After paying a large ransom for the Snapple business, Quaker did not see the returns it had forecast.  The Snapple brand fizzled as Quaker resources were washed down the drain.  Eventually, the Snapple brand was sold at a $1.4 billion loss to Quaker.

What went right with Gatorade that went so wrong with Snapple?

The measurement tools that Quaker used to evaluate Gatorade were both accurate & appropriate.  However, in the decade that past, these same evaluation tools were not updated.  Quaker applied the same methods & metrics to the Snapple brand that they did to the Gatorade brand.  However, in the decade that had passed, these tools were no longer the most appropriate.

Evaluation mechanisms are constantly being updated.  What works today might leave you behind tomorrow.  Quaker found this out first hand.  If companies want to continue to thrive, they must be constantly tweaking & evaluating the tools they use to evaluate their business.

Microsoft Dynamics GP leverages ever evolving Microsoft technologies in order to provide the best reporting options possible.  Users can access reports in many different formats.  Business Alerts can send automated emails to any staf member when exception criteria are met or at specific intervals.  Emails can be configured to include attachments, including lists of applicable information.  Users can have similar automated Reminders open on their screens when specified criteria have been met.  This allows for fast & automated management by exception.

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  10889 Hits

The Digital Transaction: eBanking in Dynamics GP

A couple of days ago I blogged about the transition from paper to the digital age. Now, it's time to familiarize yourself with the eBanking capabilities in Dynamics GP.

For those who don't know, more and more businesses are relying on electronic funds transfer or EFT to pay their bills. The most obvious reason is that it is just plain easier. However, it also automates the process of sending and receiving payments, provides an electronic record of payment and some vendors may even offer better terms for EFT payers due to typically shorter wait times for payments and less paperwork on their end. Work smarter and faster by accessing transaction information online and applying transaction accounts when they occur, rather than days or weeks later.

With eBanking in Dynamics GP EFT, you can:

  • Manage your financials more effectively
  • Reduce administrative expenses
  • Improve Productivity
  • Increase your financial security
  • Access decision-driving information online

The comprehensive eBanking tools in Microsoft Dynamics GP improves overall efficiency within an enhanced security environment. By automate your company's critical banking activities and interact with your bank electronically saves your company and yourself time and money.

  7302 Hits

We Are Certified!

Last week I met with a new client, we began with our normal introductions, etc.  They were curious as to my expertise with the Dynamics product line.  After discussing the seven different certifications I personally have from Microsoft, the conversation quickly moved onto other topics.  However, this reminded me of the rigorous screening process Microsoft employs for its partner network.

Any partner wishing to sell Microsoft Dynamics GP must have employees certified in its core financial management system.  Further certifications are required in database management among others.  Recently all Microsoft Partners were asked to complete formal training & certification in Sure Step, the Microsoft Project Management System.  I am glad to say all WebSan staff that were tested passed with flying colours!

Congratulations Team WebSan!

  10150 Hits

Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step

The truth that most consultants won’t tell you is that the majority of technology projects fail.  The reasons for these failures can vary dramatically.  In order to minimizes & mitigates these varied risks, Microsoft has developed a proven methodology for Microsoft Dynamics implementations based on industry best practices.

This project management methodology is systematic & phase based as well as scalable to the size of projects.  It applies to project big & small, enterprise to standard, complex to standard upgrades.  Further, it encompasses all phases of any implementation.  This repeatable process helps consultants better meet customer expectations by properly managing organizational change.  Customer decision making is further streamlined through decision accelerators.  This leads to low-risk, successful implementations.

All Microsoft Dynamics Partners are required to have staff certified in Sure Step.

[caption id="attachment_421" align="aligncenter" width="404" caption="Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step"][/caption]

  8563 Hits

Microsoft – Stepping up its 'integration' factor

The recent news of Microsoft’s purchase of Skype has proven to be a bold move to dominate the global technology space. The 8.5 billion US dollar buyout of the company will cause a shake-up in the telecoms arena.

While speaking at a recent press conference, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer stated, “Today is a big day for Microsoft, and Skype, as well as consumers and businesses around the world.”  Moreover,  “…we'll move beyond e-mail and text to rich experiences in the future; talking to friends and colleagues around the world will be as seamless as talking to them across a kitchen table or a conference room.”

With the new acquisition, Skype will become a unit within the Microsoft Corporation and will add to the company's range of products, which includes enterprise-focused solutions and consumer-oriented offerings.

Ballmer further says “at Microsoft, we see enormous opportunity that brings together what people want: data, voice, video, IM, all on a single screen; whether it's a smartphone, a PC, a slate, or the TV. Microsoft and Skype together will define this future and what it really, really looks like.”

One can only anticipate for an updated release that may incorporate Skype communication functionalities with the Microsoft Dynamics GP system.

  6972 Hits

WebSan regularly featured on

WebSan Solutions Inc. a Toronto-based Dynamics GP Partner is now a regular contributor on ERPSoftwareBlog.

Come check out our recent posts!

  7112 Hits

GP 2010 - MRP Move Outs

The Item Resource Planning, Site Resource Planning & MRP Order Detail windows have all been updated to incorporate a ‘Move Out’ fence.  The new logic allows for rules that determine if & when to suggest moving or canceling a purchase order or manufacturing order.  A Move Out is suggested when an item’s Projected Available Balance will be greater than the item’s Order UP To Level.

As GP calculates an item's Projected Available Balance for a specific time period, MRP will include supply order moves & cancel suggestions that impact the quantities occurring in that time period.

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

  9121 Hits

GP 2010 - Kits in Service Management

The Service Management module now allows for processing of Kit Items.  When a kit item is entered in the Service Parts window, the kit's components are added automatically to the Service Line table; although, they can be deleted if necessary.  Note: the quantity ordered cannot be partially allocated.  Through the Service Management module, POs can now be created for kit component items on a service call.

Kits can also be entered in Returns Management, Preventative Maintenance, on Contract Lines, or on the Parts line for Depot Management Work Orders.

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-4991235 ext. 213.

  8395 Hits

GP 2010 - Non-Inventoried Items in Service Management

Field Services now allow the use of non-inventoried items.  Service Calls or POs can be entered for non-inventoried items representing labour, expenses or misc charges.  Preventative Maintenance events can even include non-inventoried items.  Contract Administration, Returns Management & Depot Management all now allow the use of non-inventoried items.

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

  6919 Hits

GP 2010 - Further Payroll Integration

Users of US Payroll in Dynamics GP will love the new integration points from other modules within Dynamics GP.

One such integration point is with the Field Services module.  Direct & indirect labour postings that create Payroll transactions can be made in Service Call Management & Depot Management.  This integration allows for Payroll to captures the cost from the employee's pay code into the labor record in Field Service.

A Post to Payroll check box has been added to the Work Type Maintenance & Depot Station Maintenance windows that when selected, enters the value from the window's corresponding Pay Code field, representing an hourly pay code.

  7297 Hits

GP 2010 - Multi Level Service Call Escalation

Service calls can now be escalated to additional managerial levels. The Service Type Escalation window has been modified to include a new Manager Level field.  When a call is escalated, an e-mail to the technician's manager is sent.  This can now be sent to two additional levels of management directly above the technician's manager. One can specify the number of levels to e-mail, including:

  • The manager of the technician on the service call
  • The manager's manager
  • The manager of the manager's manager

The Service Call Escalation window also now supports multiple technicians for each call.

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

  7753 Hits

Take Advantage of our HST Tool-Kit

[caption id="attachment_254" align="aligncenter" width="748" caption="HST Tool-Kit"][/caption]

Did you know Directors of corporations can be held personally liable for un-remitted HST!?!

Be ready for the new HST!  Contact WebSan now to take advantage of our HST Cut-Over Tool-Kit.

Over our many years of experience with Microsoft Dynamics GP, we have developed a proven implementation methodology for companies both large & small.  Get the job done right the first time!  Let us help you with HST upgrades:

  • Update company-wide sales & purchasing tax options
  • Set tax settings for specific grouping of customers or vendors
  • Ensure appropriate sales items are taxable or not

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

  7378 Hits

GP2010 - Reporting Templates

GP 2010 will bring additional reporting printing capabilities.  Users can now take advantage of Word report templates as an alternative to using the native Report Writer.  Out-of-the-box there will be 22 templates available for use with endless possibilities on user customized reports.

GP 2010 will also feature added capabilities with Excel reports & pivot tables ... hum

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

  7167 Hits

GP 2010 - Negative Cash Receipts

Cash receipts may now be entered as a negative currency value within GP 2010.  This will subsequently decrease the deposit amount of the cash receipt by the value entered in the Amount field.  Furthermore, the posted receipt will show up as a deposit with a negative amount.

The negative cash receipt can be applied similar to any regular cash receipt, except the outstanding amount of the invoice will increase, instead of decrease.  Users experiencing returns, bad debt or miscellaneous fee issues will undoubtedly love this new feature.

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

  15949 Hits

GP 2010 - Security Upgrades (Part 1)

System Administrators will find setting up new users in GP 2010 much quicker.  User Security setting can now be copied from the security of another user.

In order to help reduce the likelihood of incorrectly assigning permissions, Administrators can filter security windows in order to view only the selected:

  • Operations assigned to tasks
  • Tasks assigned to roles
  • Roles assigned to users

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

  7262 Hits

GP 2010 - Security Upgrades (Part 2)

In previous versions, users would be able to view the module's Navigation Pane regardless of whether it was used or not.

In GP 2010, Administrators control which Navigation Panes are available to users and which are not.  Unnecessary navigation buttons can be limited at the user or at the company company level.

Again, join WebSan in our upcoming GP 2010 Webinar!

PS ... For Analytical Accounting users, user security can now be assigned on-the-fly!  No more setting up segments & then waiting for approval to use them.

  7473 Hits

Using Dynamics GP on the Go

Want to access Microsoft Dynamics GP data on your mobile device?  Upgrade to Business Portal!

Through Business Portal, users can access data from Microsoft Dynamics GP without logging into the system.  Instead, the data lives on-line, making it accessible through mobile devices such as a Blackberry.  Simply configure your mobile device to access your company VPN & your off!  You don't have to be chained to that desk anymore!

  8046 Hits