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WebSan Solutions Inc. recognized as the winner of 2021 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Partner of the Year

[Toronto, Ontario], [Canada] — July 8, 2021 — WebSan Solutions Inc. today announced it has won the Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year Award. The company was honoured among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.

“We are extremely honoured to be receiving such a renowned award, and we are earnestly grateful for the recognition. This has been our most successful year as a company, and it’s because of the hard work and dedication of our entire team.” stated Andrew King, Managing Director at WebSan Solutions Inc.

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognize Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered outstanding Microsoft-based solutions during the past year. Awards were classified in various of categories, with honorees chosen from a set of more than 4,400 submitted nominations from more than 100 countries worldwide. WebSan Solutions Inc. was recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

The Dynamics 365 Business Central Partner of the Year Award recognizes a partner that excels at providing innovative and unique customer solutions centred on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The successful entrant for this award will have demonstrated consistent, high-quality; predictable service to Microsoft customers, helping to ensure significant business benefits from their Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central investments. The successful nominee will also demonstrate business leadership and consistent customer success, with strong growth in new customer additions and cloud revenue while maintaining and growing their existing customer base. Finally, the Award will recognize partners who have made significant progress in this cloud business. Winning solutions may also highlight opportunities where you’ve upgraded customers from on premise or migrated them from competitive solutions. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central solutions/services qualify for this award.

“I am honoured to announce the winners and finalists of the 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards,” said Rodney Clark, corporate vice president, Global Partner Solutions, Channel Sales and Channel Chief, Microsoft. “These remarkable partners have displayed a deep commitment to building world-class solutions for customers—from cloud-to-edge—and represent some of the best and brightest our ecosystem has to offer.” 

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