By Marketing on Friday, 18 January 2013
Category: WebSan Blog

5 Common ERP Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Implementing a new ERP Software is a time for new learning experiences and challenges. There are some common mistakes that you want to avoid when implementing ERP software, remember this list so you can become a hero and not a victim of poor planning.

Mistake 1: Not selecting the right vendor

Browsing through a vendor’s website can’t determine if they are right for you. Call the company and speak with someone, this gives you the chance to ask questions about the company and their services. Don’t forget to ask for references so you can hear more than one opinion of the vendor.

Mistake 2: Not taking advantage of all the features that you are paying for!

For any kind of service you pay for, be mindful of what’s included. If you are unaware of a feature that you have but never use, just ask!

Mistake 3: Underestimating the time and resources required

The estimated time for the scope of a project can go two ways: Either the scope is nowhere accurate (underestimating) or the scope is close to being accurate (educated estimating). It’s your job to review the implementation plan. If things are getting out of hand, use the following steps to help you solve a problem:  review the problem, resolve the problem and remember the problem so it doesn’t happen again.

Mistake 4: Not properly investing in training and change management

Encouraging questions decreases a number of misunderstandings that occur with your staff. Have other resources available such as, review videos and webinars. Fill out change order requests to make sure your change is on record and not forgotten. Verbal communication doesn’t cut it anymore.

Mistake 5: Not having an active load testing environment

You won’t see the results of your changes based on a couple of “test users”. You must be able to mimic your true user load to see the real effect of changes and to watch out for costly unplanned downtime.

Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Canadian Certified Microsoft Partner

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