Item Attributes for Dynamics 365

Supported Editions
Essential & Premium
Supported Countries
$120 Per Year/Per Tenant

Implementation Cost 


Assign multiple attributes and characteristics to distinguish your inventory items.

Item Attributes for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central allow users to create up to 200 attributes and characteristics for an inventory item.

With this tool, users can create different attributes for their inventory items, and then assign a code or name to that attribute for the item. Users can then export their item attributes to excel and update item attributes through excel imports.

Supported Languages: This app is available in English (United States), French, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Deutsch, Hindi, Vietnamese, Danish, Arabic, Italian, Japanese and Russian.

Start your free trial today!

Client Testimonial

"With 1000 SKUs, manually updating product attributes is out of the question, and mass updates through configuration packages are tricky, especially for item attributes. The ability to see ALL attributes in a tabular format allows us to quickly determine which attributes are missing, and the Excel import/export feature allows us to update attributes in 5 minutes vs. hours. No more tinkering with configuration packages. WebSan is our Microsoft partner who helped us implement NAV and then Business Central. We've been working with them ever since. Good and efficient support."

- Wesam Khoury, President, Avandium Trading Ltd.

Release Notes: - October 4, 2023

Update to Onboarding Wizard - January 10, 2024

Add Item Type & Category Code

Allow Up to 200 Attributes

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